Fantoni’s Lamentation

viviardesio santuario Sepolcro Fantoniano Scurolo

The so-called “Fantonian Sepulchre” was placed in the Sanctuary’s  crypt which is composed of six big statues. These are: the Dead Christ lying on the throne bed, the Virgin of Sorrows sitting at the feet of the cross, Magdalene, John the Evangelist, Maria of Cleopas, Joseph of Arimatea and Nicodemus.

In the abundant and sacred production of the fertile and ingenuous artisanry of Fantoni di Rovetta, one of the most characteristic subjects is exactly the mourners, which were all completed in the period when his artisanry was at its best: from 1690 to 1782. The last one that was completed in terms of time is that of Ardesio, commissioned for the figure of Christ in 1711 and for the others in 1782. It was wanted by the Cofraternity of the Disciplines or of the Gonfaloni.